
Meng Yanbei 孟雁北




        Professor, School of Law, Renmin University of China


Meng Yanbei, Professor, Doctoral tutor, Law School of Renmin University of China, Vice-Dean of Asia-Pacific Institute of Law of Renmin University, Vice-Director of Economic Law Research Center of Renmin University, Standing Commissioner of China-Korea Market & Regulation Law Center (MRLC). Honored as one of 16 professors about “Best of the Best: Top Female Antitrust Economics and Law Professors” by “Antitrust & Competition Policy Blog” website.

Ms. Meng focus on Competition Law, Industry Law, Foreign Investment Law, etc. And has published 78 papers, such as “Research on Issues about the Applicable Scope of China's Anti-Monopoly Law in Monopolistic Industries” etc. independently or jointly published 46 books or textbooks, such as “Anti-monopoly Law”; “Research on Theory and system of China’s Oil & Gas Law” etc. Ms. Meng was in charge of or took part in almost 29 research projects in China, such as “Research on Issues of Antitrust Enforcement in Monopolistic Industries” etc.


      长期从事竞争法、产业法、外资法的教学和研究工作,曾被美国Antitrust& Competition Policy Blog网站评为反托拉斯法律与经济全球最具影响的16位女教授之一(best of the best)。

      迄今已发表《我国反垄断法之于垄断行业适用范围问题研究》等学术论文78篇,单独或合作出版了《反垄断法》、《中国< 石油天然气法>立法的理论研究与制度构建》、《企业合营-竞争者之间合作行为的反垄断分析》等著作、教材、译著46部,主持或参加研究《垄断行业反垄断执法问题研究》等科研项目29项。